Sunday, May 27, 2012

You're my Inspiration

I am sure you are a leader or probably a manager because you responded to my request to check my short question for you.Here's what i wanted to ask....

" Are you a leader who goes around your office, department or  facility or organization giving orders?
Don't feel bad or get me wrong  but it is one way of making your people feel uneasy, tensed and less capable of doing their task. Go around if you wish to but go around to inspire and motivate them.At the end of the day... you will hear them say, " you're my inspiration."

Much cares,

Sunday, May 20, 2012

It all begins inside the elevator

Sir i have talent. I got skills but will i be successful with these? This question was asked to me by a diligent, cosmopolitan and pretty office assistant (messenger and photocopying in-charge).Due to limited time ( we where in the elevator) i gave her an instant and straight to the point piece of advice which i believed would help her because i have proven it my self in the lives of leaders and managers i have known. Heres the down to earth, humble and simple answer that i gave her.

" My dear, success can be achieved not just by the potential and skills that you have but it is the execution of that potential and talent that  will bring you to it. You also need the appropriate training and discipline to empower those skills.These trainings will make your potentials grow and develop into hard edged skills."

Curious like a cat she asked me another questions..." Can you help me?" (with intense facial and voice expression) Seeing on her face the deep desire to really become successful in her career and life, i uttered these few words..." It is impossible to help a person become what she can become if she doesn't have the enthusiasm and fundamental desire and commitment to take the action necessary to make success happen.."(not really few right?) ha ha ha.

That woman take action. She let me coach her.And now shes no longer an office assistant but an HR Assistant.
You got what it takes to be successful. Grow your talent. Polish your skills.Don't just be familiar with it. Grow it! Make a decision... in the elevator or where ever.
Much Cares,

Monday, May 14, 2012

Searching for a greener pasture, a fulfilling job?
Sometimes opportunity drops into your lap and sometimes you've got to shape and carve it out for yourself so you will see its significance, beauty and glory. Recognize those situations that could be an opportunity for you and understand if it is worth pursuing.

Here's some tip o help you out as you carve those opportunities:

Understand what you are trying to undertake by doing some planning.Then take the risk.

Get some help. Somebody to coach you. Then persist.

Get focused and see the larger picture of what you really wanted.

Get connected with others. Be in a team of goal and purpose driven people.Don't be self driven.

I am very certain that more opportunities will surface for you. Be hopeful and prayerful and when the sun is up..... you better be out there running towards those opportunities.

Much cares,

Friday, May 11, 2012

51 Minutes

I was suppose to meet somebody that's very important today but something happened. As i walked towards the highway to catch the bus that would take me to my appointment i saw somebody. Somebody that resembles a hard working, tired but hopeful mother.

As i was approaching the waiting shed she looks at me and smiled shyly.I said " good morning ma'am and she answered me " good morning " with a low and humble tone.I don't know why but i happily  greeted her Happy Mothers Day knowing that its going to be Mothers Day tomorrow.. Then she look at me with teary eyes and said ( in tagalog ) maraming salamat anak ( thank you very much son).

I was at first quite worried because she might burst into tears and into crying but what really worries me is some folks might think i was trying to rob the woman that's why she is crying(he he he).But in an instant we were exchanging and sharing stories, but she does 91percent  of the sharing. It was difficult talking to somebody on the road side while inhaling the semi fresh air from the smoke belching vehicles, with unseen and seen dust all over but  listening to her and the way she tells her stories made me detach from the noise and pollution that's finding its way to my lungs. ( uhu uhu uhu, cough cough cough)                                                                                                             

She tells about her children and the plight of their family and her long departed husband.But what aches my heart is when she told me that the last time she heard Happy Mothers Day greeting was more than two decades ago when her youngest child was still in the elementary. She said " now that they are professionals, got their jobs and have their own family they seldom contact me except when my pension arrives.(I did not ask why) "I miss my children but i don't know if they miss me."she continued.

Shes in the mood of sharing more and so i listened more, but while she tells me her life story with tiny , little tears flowing on her cheeks i saw my bus coming. There was a struggle in my thoughts. I wanted to get to that bus so i could see that important and special person that i need to meet but here's a woman who never felt special and important for ages (that's an exaggeration. but just allow me) and i can't just leave her there.

To put the struggle off, i closed my eyes and let the bus pass by. In my mind i was telling my self " i can let that bus and the opportunity of meeting someone important pass by but i can never allow this moment to make a mother who got so many stories to tell and aches to unload pass by.After 51 minutes of listening to her she said..." maraming salamat anak" (thank you son in English).

Then her bus came and off she goes while waving her hands to me.Did i made her feel happy? No doubt! Did i miss my appointment! Absolutely Yes! But i have no regrets."Ga sorry i miss my appointment with you. Yes you are an important and a special friend but that woman must feel special even in 51 minutes.

Friday, May 4, 2012

South Side Foot Ball Club

I tried to turn my eyes from South Side FC but though i have tried , my heart stays with them. There are time that i wanted to give them up for reasons i can enumerate like monitary, time and more like more (he he he) Yep, i wanted to just be raptured by some aliens who wants me to coach their planetary team or to train their inter galaxy and milky way players against Americas Galaxy but my heart was glued to my promise that i will stand beside my players as they learn about foot ball and as they learn about the importance of having a dream. It made me covered with immeasurable joy when their apathy was replaced with action, discouragement with hope, shyness melting like an ice cream and replaced with self confidence. It made me cry (in secret) when they joined me for a foot ball clinic for less fortunate kids. Yes i got players who got the attitude, who got difficulties relating with others and even with their families. I got confused youth and even terrible you. By the way theres also terrible guardians. But i can't give up my team, my players just for those reason. I may have players who will give up the team but it doesn't means i have to give up on him or her. I will coach them in foot ball and in life. And i will stand by them until they see and become what God wants them to become.My goal as a coach is for the team to win games and to win in life. I want them to be the prime example of what youth should be. South Side FC exist for purpose and goals. Be a part of more than the ordinary... be a part of South Side FC.