As i was approaching the waiting shed she looks at me and smiled shyly.I said " good morning ma'am and she answered me " good morning " with a low and humble tone.I don't know why but i happily greeted her Happy Mothers Day knowing that its going to be Mothers Day tomorrow.. Then she look at me with teary eyes and said ( in tagalog ) maraming salamat anak ( thank you very much son).
I was at first quite worried because she might burst into tears and into crying but what really worries me is some folks might think i was trying to rob the woman that's why she is crying(he he he).But in an instant we were exchanging and sharing stories, but she does 91percent of the sharing. It was difficult talking to somebody on the road side while inhaling the semi fresh air from the smoke belching vehicles, with unseen and seen dust all over but listening to her and the way she tells her stories made me detach from the noise and pollution that's finding its way to my lungs. ( uhu uhu uhu, cough cough cough)
She tells about her children and the plight of their family and her long departed husband.But what aches my heart is when she told me that the last time she heard Happy Mothers Day greeting was more than two decades ago when her youngest child was still in the elementary. She said " now that they are professionals, got their jobs and have their own family they seldom contact me except when my pension arrives.(I did not ask why) "I miss my children but i don't know if they miss me."she continued.
Shes in the mood of sharing more and so i listened more, but while she tells me her life story with tiny , little tears flowing on her cheeks i saw my bus coming. There was a struggle in my thoughts. I wanted to get to that bus so i could see that important and special person that i need to meet but here's a woman who never felt special and important for ages (that's an exaggeration. but just allow me) and i can't just leave her there.
To put the struggle off, i closed my eyes and let the bus pass by. In my mind i was telling my self " i can let that bus and the opportunity of meeting someone important pass by but i can never allow this moment to make a mother who got so many stories to tell and aches to unload pass by.After 51 minutes of listening to her she said..." maraming salamat anak" (thank you son in English).
Then her bus came and off she goes while waving her hands to me.Did i made her feel happy? No doubt! Did i miss my appointment! Absolutely Yes! But i have no regrets."Ga sorry i miss my appointment with you. Yes you are an important and a special friend but that woman must feel special even in 51 minutes.
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