Monday, February 27, 2012

When you think it doesn't matter

People, Teams and organizations fail because of an accumulated wrong judgement and poor choices.And you may wonder why in the world a thinking, educated, intelligent person can afford to keep on doing wrong judgement and poor choices. Now heres why.....
Because he or she thinks that it doesn't matter, that its not important.

They don't think that missing the training matters.
They don't think that not listening to the coach matters.
They don't think that skipping classes matters.
They don't think that not working on their reports on time matters.
They don't think that lying matters.
They don't think that making a client wait for hours and days matters.
They don't think that a minute or hours spent on the very less important matters.

Are there things that doesn't seem to matter to you right now? Don't let Failure scream right on your very face soon.Whatever you do right now really matters.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Are you ready to comeback?

Everyone falls, we all in some seasons of our life plummeted down. This is a given thing in life and this as we all know is our ticket to success.Falling down, yes we do, but its the coming back up that is difficult and quite tricky.
Great leaders and celebrities are also doing their best to resurrect their careers and leadership after a big mistake.

Every day, people are rising back again, turning their lives around, some reposition their lives again.By the way its not just the people, companies are getting back on their tracks too.

So if they are trying to get back on their track or to a much better track, why can't you or why won't you. Don't just settle down and accept defeat. You are made for greatness. Theres power in you that will make you soar.Connect with people who can be your wind beneath your wings. People who are positive. People who have the bias for action and not people who will just watch life from the sidelines.

Yes you can. I really do believe you can. I don't care how many times you have fallen, how often times you've failed. You have a God who is stretching His arms to you right now.He wants you to come back, to excel, to live abundantly, to be happy and to bless others.If you are down right now, thats not where you are meant to be.You are made for excellence.Say this now... I'm coming back!
much cares,

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Words do come easy

Parents, Teachers and leaders who are sensitively aware of their behavior and how it impacts the people around them uses words that are empowering, life changing, war stopping, words that are kind. Sadly, there are some whose words scrapes and slices the layers of our emotions, spirits, personality and self worth.

Here's some of those words:

So what?
If you can't accept it, then leave.
Thats a good idea, but heres how to better do it.
Your idea is good but heres a better one.
If you don't like it you may go.
You are not learning.
You give me nothing but headache.
This is not a workplace for babies so stop acting like one.
What part of what i just said you guys don't understand?
When will you ever learn?
Can you do anything right?

Now, theres more of these words and i'm sure you've heard of them. Certainly people don't feel valued and energized when they hear such words. As a leader, parent, teacher or manager it is your responsibility to create and change the kind of environment where you are into a better one.. You can turn one chaotic office into a place where people would love to work. You can turn one messy, house into a paradise, you can transform a noisy classroom to a very inspiring heart moving place with your words.

Heres more:

An employee in the hospital emergency room catching his breath - FIX him! ( your employee is not a machine)

My high school kid can do a better work than you people.( really?)
Our neighbors kid is far better than you. (go adopt him)

Lets begin transforming our home, our classroom our workplaces into our desired place and build relationships that transports people from a shaky, chaotic, stressful, brain cracking situation to a world of serene relaxation. Yes we can if we use kind words.

much cares,

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why are you doing what you are doing?

A friend of mine who is a public teacher once ask me "Neil can you remind me why i am doing what i am doing", and then i explained to her that its because sometime ago you choose to do what you love to do.

Friend, what's your reason for choosing to be where you are right now and for doing what you are doing?

What's your reason for being at work today?
What's your reason for going to school?
What's your reason why you work abroad?
What's your reason why you took the leadership position?
What's your reason for having a family?

What's your reason for being where you are right now? I hope it is not just for the money money money but because you wanted to grow as a person and because you are following your life's purpose.

Much Cares,