Wednesday, February 17, 2010

No Fear

Hi how are you? Let me share to you this story that was shared to me by my friend just a few minutes before i conquered the great WHITE CAVE of Camp 7 together with the fantastic fourth year students of East Visayan Academy.

Don't let Fear Hold You Back

A man eager to know what lies ahead for him went to see a fortune teller.As the fortune teller looked into the magic ball he waited curiously.He noticed that the fortune teller is perspiring and shaking her head as she was looking into the magic ball.Then her facial expression said it all.She said " you will have an accident soon and you will die.How will it happen? the man asked."It will involved a vehicle probably a car, truck, motor bike or anything that has wheels and tires", the fortune teller replied.

The man went home disappointed and he keep on thinking how can he avoid the accident foretold by the woman.For two months he agonized thinking of a way.His death due to vehicular accident keeps running in his thought's day in and day out.Finally he made a decision to lock himself in his house.He never went out because of fear and he just stayed in his house for 3 long months.

One morning he decided to go to the kitchen to get some breakfast.His youngest son had left his toy bus on the stairs.The man stepped on the toy on his way down the stairs.He slipped, rolled down the stairs and knocked his head on the concrete floor and died instantly.It indeed involved a vehicle.

This is just a story but there is something to it.Not about believing the fortune tellers for sure.

Here's the moral of the story:

Don't lock yourself, your dream and your future out of fear.Live a life of purpose.Make use of your core gift.Enjoy your passion.Don't lock yourself away.You are God's redeemed child live not in fear!

Do you have fears? doe's it make you feel numb as you face your future? Let me and my associates help you move from where you are to where you should be.

Reach us at 0915 8141432 or email us at or at . We offer life coaching for free.God be with you!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How do you see it?

I have seen a lot of people who look like they are bombarded by all the circumstances in the world.They have drooping shoulders that made them look like a human question mark.I met one guy who use to look like an action star but now he looks like a soldier from ancient Mesopotamia because of how he views his circumstance.Let me share to you what i have told him which actually helped him.

Your circumstance are not negative or positive whatever it is.Like Mathematics they are "the givens" and are neutral.But it is your way of thinking and your perspective that made the circumstance in your life appear negative or positive.If you have considered an event in your life as bad, then there must be something good about it.Everything has its opposite.

Take a look at your bag if you are holding one. Your office if you are in your workplace right now.Your room if you are in your house.Did you notice that there is an inside and outside part of it? right ? Lets turn the table and make it more personal.Look at your body.Yes your gorgeous body! ( take a second look he he he) just kidding.It has left and right side, front and back part right?

The law of Polarity says that in everything their is an opposite - it is equal and opposite.If you are five feet from your door, your door is five feet from you.I motivate and inspire people but it does't excuse me from circumstances that made me cry a river, makes me scream makes me scream!(that line is from a song) Here's what i do... i draw a circle and i put at the center my circumstance and i navigate around it until i am on the other side and i look at the situation from there.

Honest! it is much clearer to see things from there.What is your circumstance right now?
got no cell phone load? having a flat tire? you failed in the exams? no date for valentines day?
Every problem, every circumstance can be viewed two ways.The way you look at a circumstance determines the quality of life you live.

Do you find this idea difficult? Look at it from a different perspective.

" Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit" Napoleon Hill

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

You can manage your life

Have you read of 80/20 % rule? It is one of the most effective concept in time or life management. It is founded by Vilfredo Pareto in 1895.

The principle says that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results, 20% of your customers will account 80% of your sales, 20% of your products or services will account 80% of your profits, 20% of your task will account 80% of the value of what you do and so on.

This means that if you have a list of ten items to do, two of those items will turn out to be worth five or ten times or more than the other eight items put together.The most precious task you can do everyday are more often the most difficult and complex but the rewards can be amazing.

For this reason, you must refuse to work on task in the bottom of 80% while you still have the task in the top 20% left undone.Time management is really life management.It is about taking control over the sequence of events.

It is about having control over what you do next.Your ability to choose between the less important and important will determine your success in life and in your career.