Monday, December 13, 2010

Keep Knocking

" Our prayers are answered not when are given what we ask, but when we are challenged to be what we can be."
Morris Adler

If you feel like throwing the towel and give up what you really wanted to become, i suggest don't!Keep your faith and hold on. You maybe knocking on the door but until now it is close but i strongly suggest ... just stay on that door until God in His own timing opens it.

The problem with many people is that when they knock on a door and if it does not open right away, they move to the next.That's exactly how we chase our dreams right? When the door we are knocking does not open on our desired time we move out.When we pray and the only answer we can get is silence we give up on what we are praying for easily thinking that it isn't for us.Hey! Don't give up praying. Keep knocking Heavens door my friend.

Sometimes doors does not open right away for us. And most of this doors that does not open immediately are the doors that has something for us. If it does not open on your time just stay there and listen to the movement inside.I am sure the one inside that door is preparing the surprises for you.

Its tough and difficult to wait. But don't loose sight of the reason why you are knocking on that door. It is because you want to get in.It is because you want to be inside that door.As for me the door that i am knocking is still close but i can hear movements inside and they seem to be preparing something for me.Something that will surprise me. And not only that i can also hear some foot steps moving to the door.Wow!

As for you my friend, just knock on and keep standing in front of that door until God in His perfect timing opens it.By the way have you knocked it?

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